The meaning of Eastern Exploits is twofold One: A striking or notable deed, feat or adventure Two: to utilize for profit or take advantage. This blog will encompass both of these definitions as I seek to document my travels throughout Eastern Europe and my research on human trafficking in the former Soviet Union.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Voting Abroad

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Research Clearance and Ethical Issues
As I prepare to travel abroad on my fieldwork there are a couple of ethical issues I have had to confront in order to conduct research in Eastern Europe. I obtained human subjects approval all the way back in January because many of the fellowship applications require you to have this approval before you apply. As evident from this and my previous post, preparing to do fieldwork is a long process and actually, I have been planning and preparing for this trip for almost as long as the length of my actual trip will be.
Human subjects approval is necessary for research involving people since I will be interviewing and observing people I had to get authorization from the human subjects committee at the University of Kansas before I could conduct my research. Some countries also have a human subjects boards within the country or university so I would recommend looking into that before conducting research. Also the European Union has Researcher's Mobility Portals now called EURAXESS in all member countries so researchers can check with those units about research clearance. Here is a link to the main website http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/general/index Russia and Ukraine have no such authority although some universities have human subjects units so make sure that you cover your bases if you are performing research abroad. Some human subjects units will require you to get this in-country clearance before they will authorize it on the US side. So again I would advise researchers to start thinking about this early!
The issue I am running into now is encrypting my email and computer. Since I will be in an authoritarian and semi-authoritarian countries I have to protect my sources and my files from being infiltrated. Most people advise encrypting your computer but the computer person I work with at KU advised against it because that would mean that he couldn't help me if something went wrong with my computer. I am going to put a password on my computer to protect it. I also keep the names of my subjects separate from their interviews and in different non-descriptive folders on my computer but I feel like there should be more I can do to keep my information safe and I plan on looking further into different types of encryption in the future.
The final ethical issue I am dealing with is hiring someone to transcribe my interviews for me. I will be conducting interviews in Latvian and Russian and decided after spending so much time with the interviews for my master's thesis that I would hire someone to do it for my dissertation. There is a big debate in the scholarly community about this and how it takes you away from your research and inserts other impressions of the interviews into your research. For me it is mostly a time issue because no matter how good your language skills are, a native speaker can always transcribe the text faster. I plan to advise my transcriber to transcribe everything in the interview and then I will go back over an compare them for accuracy. I also take notes during the interview of non-verbal communication which I plan to add to the transcription once it is completed so it's not like I am hiring someone and never looking at their work ever again until I analyze the interviews. I will not have any identifying information in the interviews but just in case I plan to cover my bases and train the research assistant on ethical research practices. At the SSRC seminar the professors developed a human subjects training powerpoint in Russian and I plan on going over this with whoever I hire to help me transcribe.
This post ended up being way longer than I anticipated but I think ethical issues are very important in conducting research especially when you are traveling to another country to conduct this research. There the do no harm principle is more important than ever because we are outsiders going into a community and in my view we should leave it better and not worse than we found it. If anyone has any advice on encryption or ethical considerations for research I would love to hear about it!
Human subjects approval is necessary for research involving people since I will be interviewing and observing people I had to get authorization from the human subjects committee at the University of Kansas before I could conduct my research. Some countries also have a human subjects boards within the country or university so I would recommend looking into that before conducting research. Also the European Union has Researcher's Mobility Portals now called EURAXESS in all member countries so researchers can check with those units about research clearance. Here is a link to the main website http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/general/index Russia and Ukraine have no such authority although some universities have human subjects units so make sure that you cover your bases if you are performing research abroad. Some human subjects units will require you to get this in-country clearance before they will authorize it on the US side. So again I would advise researchers to start thinking about this early!
The issue I am running into now is encrypting my email and computer. Since I will be in an authoritarian and semi-authoritarian countries I have to protect my sources and my files from being infiltrated. Most people advise encrypting your computer but the computer person I work with at KU advised against it because that would mean that he couldn't help me if something went wrong with my computer. I am going to put a password on my computer to protect it. I also keep the names of my subjects separate from their interviews and in different non-descriptive folders on my computer but I feel like there should be more I can do to keep my information safe and I plan on looking further into different types of encryption in the future.
The final ethical issue I am dealing with is hiring someone to transcribe my interviews for me. I will be conducting interviews in Latvian and Russian and decided after spending so much time with the interviews for my master's thesis that I would hire someone to do it for my dissertation. There is a big debate in the scholarly community about this and how it takes you away from your research and inserts other impressions of the interviews into your research. For me it is mostly a time issue because no matter how good your language skills are, a native speaker can always transcribe the text faster. I plan to advise my transcriber to transcribe everything in the interview and then I will go back over an compare them for accuracy. I also take notes during the interview of non-verbal communication which I plan to add to the transcription once it is completed so it's not like I am hiring someone and never looking at their work ever again until I analyze the interviews. I will not have any identifying information in the interviews but just in case I plan to cover my bases and train the research assistant on ethical research practices. At the SSRC seminar the professors developed a human subjects training powerpoint in Russian and I plan on going over this with whoever I hire to help me transcribe.
This post ended up being way longer than I anticipated but I think ethical issues are very important in conducting research especially when you are traveling to another country to conduct this research. There the do no harm principle is more important than ever because we are outsiders going into a community and in my view we should leave it better and not worse than we found it. If anyone has any advice on encryption or ethical considerations for research I would love to hear about it!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The long and painful visa process!

By July I finally had a contact there that was willing to start the paperwork to get me an invitation. You can't just go over and be a student in Ukraine (and Russia), you have to be invited by the university and have an invitation issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, and Sports. In August the invitation arrived at the university and I have been waiting for my contact to figure out where I can send money so they can send to me in the US because I need the original to apply for my student visa. It took three weeks for her to figure out that I needed to Western Union her the money which only seemed a little less sketchy than me direct depositing the $125 into her bank account. I guess the university does not have direct deposit which makes me nervous for the future when I will have to pay my tuition! Because this process took so long I ended up having to push my departure date back two weeks to accommodate the delay and thankfully I decided I shouldn't buy my ticket until I knew when I was going to receive the invitation. Yesterday, I received word that my invitation was on the way to the US and will arrive (fingers crossed) on Monday. Now I have to translate a bunch of documents into Russian because they don't accept the English originals, notarize them and apostille them (the internationally recognized notarization) before I can send all of these documents to the consulate in Chicago. Then after all of that hopefully the Ukrainians will send me my student visa! We also decided to buy our tickets yesterday for September 12...so now I have less than three weeks to do all of that and get my visa! Of course that is just the beginning of the process because once I get to Ukraine I have to apply for a residence permit to live there and only once I receive the residence permit can I apply for a visa for my husband. I have talked at length about this process to other people from the region and they tell me foreigners coming the US have to go through similar processes to study here. I do have sympathy for them but then I think at least the requirements are clear and people return emails. Half of all the run around I have had to do has been because the information is not available on any website and because people won't answer my emails! I am especially thankful to the Fulbright office in Ukraine who has been really great helping me through this process even though I had my grant five years ago and it was to another country. So the advice I would give to people trying to navigate the bureaucratic process of Eastern Europe is start early, be persist, and ask many questions about the ever changing process to a wide variety of sources. This process is frustrating in every country and is much easier to navigate in person so hopefully the following stages will be less painful. Also please keep your fingers crossed for me that my visa arrives before I leave on September 12, 2012!
Friday, August 10, 2012
SSRC Eurasia Program Summer Workshop in Quantitative Methods
After returning to the US last Thursday I spent the weekend at home in Minnesota and then headed on Sunday to Madison, Wisconsin for the Social Science Research Council Eurasia Program Title VIII Summer Workshop in Quantitative Methods. The workshop was an intensive week long qualitative training on survey research and data sets available in Eurasia. We had a lecture style class in the mornings and then in the afternoons we presented our research papers. I presented a research design for the quantitative section of my dissertation. I was having some problems operationalizing a couple of the variables to the comparative context and I received some really great feedback and ideas for my project. Plus it was nice that we spent an entire hour discussing my paper and I had two very involved discussants, one who wrote her dissertation on human trafficking in Russia. In the afternoons we also had a couple of thematic lectures by UW-Madison professors. This workshop was a really great experience and I was happy to be a part of it even though I had had a cold and was only able to spend two days at home between retuning from Russia and the going to the workshop. It was also nice that the workshop was in Madison which is only 3.5 hours from Minnesota and so I got to drive instead of being stuck in airports. Also it was fun to be in Madison again because I lived there for a summer internship during college and really loved the city! Here are some pictures from my trip.
I always thought this was a library but it turns out it is the State Historical Society building.
The Memorial Union.
The Terrace at the union. During the summer they have concerts here and it is full of people enjoying the beautiful view of Lake Mendota.
My patented self photo!
Enjoying a walk along the lakeshore path on my way to class.
A view of picnic point.
The Social Sciences building where we had our classes.
Bascom Hill on the way back from class.
Me and Bucky (the campus mascot)!
I always thought this was a library but it turns out it is the State Historical Society building.
The Memorial Union.
The Terrace at the union. During the summer they have concerts here and it is full of people enjoying the beautiful view of Lake Mendota.
My patented self photo!
A view of picnic point.
The Social Sciences building where we had our classes.
Bascom Hill on the way back from class.
Me and Bucky (the campus mascot)!
State Street with a view of the capital.

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Final Thoughts on CLS
I returned to the US on Thursday after a night of no sleep on Wednesday because we had to meet at 3 am to go to the airport. Then we had a long ten hour flight from Moscow (without working video), and a literal run through Dulles International Airport customs and US security. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to everyone since I almost missed my connecting flight. Still it is good to be home and I am enjoying all the things I missed while I was in Russia (free refills, cold drinks, people smiling and saying thanks). My final thoughts on the CLS program are that overall it definitely helped my language skills. I feel more confident speaking Russian and while I still have more work to do on my grammar and sentence structure I think I am ready to go on my fieldwork. That being said, the homework and all the excursions and class left little room for all the other work I had to do over the summer like sending articles off to journals and writing the theory chapter of my dissertation. So while it definitely helped with my language skills I am feeling behind in my professional development and I am not sure I would recommend an intensive program to someone who is ABD (All But Dissertation) like me. I don't regret going on the program, the CLS program is not designed to accompany or allow full time research, I think I just had low expectations for the amount of time everything would take. In the end I could only fit two days a week of participant observation at the NGO and I could only schedule three interviews for my research. I also didn't have time, or the days off from class to make a research trip to Moscow to interview people there. The good and bad news of this situation is that this means I will have to go back to Moscow and Kazan next year to finish up my interviews. This type of situation occurs very often in fieldwork where you think you can accomplish more than you set out to so it's doesn't stress me out too much, I just have a lot of work to do in the next month!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Last Days in Kazan
After our final exams and final concert we had two days to get things in order before our departure. I used this time to see everything I had been meaning to see all summer! Here is a run down of all the monuments and interesting things I saw not including all the great museums I visited since I can not do them justice here so you will have to visit Kazan yourself to visit them! This is the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral right down the street from my institute.

This is the picture of the Cat of Kazan, a popular Russian folk character.
Here is a picture of my Kazan Cat Toshka!

Lenin went to university in Kazan and was expelled due to his revolutionary tendencies. This is a monument of a young Lenin in front of Kazan State University.
These is me and Syumbike Tower, the only leaning tower in Kazan as you can see in the photo. If you would like to read the story about the history of this tower see my earlier post
One last photo of all of us before we went our separate ways at the Irish pub in Domodedovo Airport in Moscow!
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